December 8th 7pm Eastern @vloggingpod.podbean.com/ #podcast #interview #author #writers #liveshow #entertainment #books #liveaudience @cassiesanchezauthor @cassiesanchezauthor @CSanchez_author , Cassie Sanchez always wanted superpowers and to be a warrior princess fighting alongside unlikely heroes. Suffice it to say, she lost herself in books, from fantasy to sci-fi to a suspenseful romance. Currently, Cassie lives in the southwest with her husband, Louie, while pestering her two adult men-children. She can usually be found drinking too much coffee while working in her office with her dog, Gunner and Bullet, warming her feet. When she isn’t writing about magic and sword fights, she enjoys golf, spending time with friends, or partaking in a satisfying nap. https://www.cassiesanchez.com/