She Shed Studios Presents Vlogging Pod Podcast

VloggingPod Interview w/Heather Elizabeth King

VloggingPod Interview w/Heather Elizabeth King

VloggingPod Interview w/Heather Elizabeth King

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Listen live at:  Thursday November 31st 2021 7pm Eastern #vlogging #weeklyvlogs #podcast #weeklypodcasts #interview #artist #books #music #voiceover #editors #creative #influencers #publicfigures #spooky #halloween #specialevent

Heather Elizabeth King is the author of dark fiction. She writes urban fantasy, horror, and paranormal romance. Heather has been a story teller for most of her life. Some of her favorite memories are of telling stories to her girlfriends at slumber parties when she was a pre-teen. She is a graduate of the Writer’s Digest class, Focus on the Novel and has been a panelist at several writing conferences. She’s also given presentations at various paranormal conventions. Most days Heather can be found at her laptop working on her next book.

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