VloggingPod Interview w/ K Rose
#podcast #interview #author #writers #liveshow #entertainment #books #liveaudience @K Rose Author @spazkat333 @Katrina Peterman I don’t really know what to say here. I am a new Author, my debut was just released today August 5th 2021. The prophecy of the Water Sprite is a Fantasy Reverse Harem Romance. Clocking in at 105k words and is a standalone novel. I had been a reader of romance for about 2 -2.5 years and not really much of a reader at all before that. I have a plethora of pets, 5 dogs, 3 cats, 18 Chickens, 1 Rooster, 9 Ducks, and 18 year old Conure, and a big tropical fish tank. I have been with my guy for almost 20 years, but never married. https://linktr.ee/k.roseauthor