VloggingPod Interview w/Maggie Shaw
Listen live at: https://vloggingpod.podbean.com/ Thursday November 4th 2021 7pm Eastern #vlogging #weeklyvlogs #podcast #weeklypodcasts #interview #artist #books #music #voiceover #editors #creative #influencers #publicfigures
Novelist Maggie Shaw lives in Cheshire UK and publishes under the Eregendal imprint for Christian Visionary Fiction. A teenage runaway who made good despite her undiagnosed autism, Maggie writes exciting adventures as one who ‘walks the walk’ in recovery and spiritual growth. Maggie’s sixth book, The Eagle and The Raven, is due out in October. Her absurdist comedy, The Last Thursday Ritual in Little Piddlington came out last May. All books available in online stores and at https://www.eregendal.com/books