VloggingPod Interview w/P.D. Alleva
April 21st 7pm Eastern @vloggingpod.podbean.com/ #podcast #interview #author #writers #liveshow #entertainment #books #liveaudience IG – @pdalleva_author @pdallevaauthor
@PdallevaAuthor PD Alleva is an alternative fiction author. His novels cross genres, blending mystery, conspiracy, psychology, and action with horror and dystopian science fiction. Alternative fiction is PD’s attempt at describing what readers uncover in any one of his books, a new discovery towards mainstream storytelling. He’s been writing since childhood, creating and developing stories with brash and impactful concepts that he would describe are metaphors for the shifting energies that exist in the universe. PD exists inside of his own universe, working diligently on The Rose Vol. II and exceptional horror novels. Be prepared for Golem, PD’s upcoming horror thriller. http://www.pdalleva.com/